Grand Haven

Farmers Market

Mission Statement: Grand Haven Farmers Market is brought to you by the Chamber of Commerce Grand Haven, Spring Lake, Ferrysburg to provide farmers and small business owners an opportunity to sell their fresh, Michigan grown and/or produced foods directly to customers. The Market will act as the community gathering place to educate and encourage healthy living within our communities.

Please be courteous – dogs and smoking are prohibited at the Farmers Market.

Applications for the Grand Haven Farmers Market are now open! Beginning in 2025, the Chamber’s Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to discontinue the Thursday market in Spring Lake. We are working with the Village of Spring Lake as they consider taking over its operation and will support them through this process. A decision is expected in the coming weeks. Regardless of the outcome, we remain committed to a vibrant market experience for the Tri-Cities region with our Wednesday and Saturday markets at Chinook Pier in Grand Haven.

For questions, please contact Mark Allen at

Grand Haven Farmers Market

Accepted Payments

Bridge Card/Snap
Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB)
Dune Dollars
Power of Produce (POP) Kids Club
Senior Market FRESH
WIC Project FRESH (Accepted by Individual Vendors)

Click Here for more information about additional payments.

Power of Produce (POP)

The goal of this program is to educate our local youth about healthy eating and to make fresh foods accessible to them. The purpose of the POP Kids Club is to empower kids to make healthy choices and have fun while doing it!

How it Works:

  • Children must have an adult’s signature to participate in the POP Kids Club.
  • Each time a POP Kids Club member visits the Market; they will have their “Passport to Health” stamped and will be given two (2) $1 POP tokens to be spent on fruits or vegetables.
  • Wednesdays & Saturdays, exact dates to be determined for 2025
  • The program provided for the first 200 kids per week (100 at each Market)
  • Please note: the program is being handled on a DAILY basis. The spots available each day are on a first-come-first-serve basis

Double Up Food Bucks

Market Nonprofits

Please contact the Market Manager at if interested in having a non-profit booth. Nonprofit organizations are able to staff a table at the Market to promote & inform the public about their organization as along is involves healthy eating, living, or agriculture. We do not allow for non-food vendors to sell items.

Ottawa Food

Ottawa Food is a collaboration of over 45 agencies and individuals working to ensure that community members have access to healthy, local and affordable food. Our members come from a variety of sectors, including public health, food pantries, human service organizations, farmers, local businesses, community members, and more.


Megan Tobin, Grand Haven Farmers Market Manager

Campaigning Policy

The Chamber does not endorse candidates for public office, nor does it provide a platform for individuals to campaign at any Chamber sponsored events, including, but not limited to the Early Bird Breakfast, BASH, and Jingle Bell Parade. City and Village rules for campaigning (if applicable) will apply in public space outside of the areas designated for festivals and Farmers Markets.  Candidates may not set up booths or distribute literature within the Festivals or Farmers Market itself or impede foot or vehicular traffic in any way around these venues.