Benefits of Membership
Why Join?
Your investment in the Chamber provides access to connections and resources to support your business along with opportunities for increasing visibility through networking, sponsorships and advertising.
Member Promotions
Members have access to:
- Free listing in our Business Directory, and access to your online directory referral report.
- Free business listing for visitor related business in the Grand Haven Visitors Guide Publication
- Free business listing in the annual Grand Living publication
- Discounted Corporate Memberships to other member business – Muskegon Museum of Art
Priority Business Referrals
Chamber members are given priority to all requests asked by members and the general public, in person and on our website
Advertising Your Business
Distributed bi-weekly via email to all Chamber members
- $75 – Banner Ad
- $150 – Content Block
- $250 Member Spotlight—provide the Chamber with 300 words about your business, your business logo and your photo and we will showcase your organization
Website Banner Ads
- $300 – Three Months
- $500 – Six Months
- $1,000 – Twelve Months
Dune Dollars
Chamber’s community gift certificate program. Over $2,000,000 sold since inception. All monies remain in our community.
- $250 Logo on certificates and website ad
Business Resources
Human Resources Information & Assistance
Provided through workshops, seminars and employee training.
Small Business & Technology Development Center
Provides assistance with business startup, business plans, small business loan assistance and financial packaging. SCORE Counselors are also available for free business consultation.
Training Needs Assessments
Free to members for needs assessment and/or training plan development.
Training & Seminar Discounts
Are available to members for all workshops, seminars and training programs hosted by The Chamber.
Manufacturing Assistance
Through tax abatement reviews, grant writing, financing options, demographic information and performance benchmarking.
Mailing List
Membership list is available for $100, for direct marketing efforts to approximately 620 area businesses.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Community Events & Programs
- Economic Forecast Breakfast
- Grand Haven Art Festival
- Family Fun Day
- Boomerang
- Community Connections
- Jingle Bell Parade
Annual Signature Member Events
- Chamber Celebration
- Chamber Challenge Golf Outing
- Business Recognition Luncheon
- Holiday BASH
Chamber Events & Programs
- BASH’s
- Early Bird Breakfasts
- Farmer’s Markets
- Home Grown
- Leadership Connect
- Roundtables
- Workshops
- Youth Leadership

Abby Selby, CPA
Selby Tax & Accounting PC
“I started my business over 9 years ago, and with the help of the Chamber I have grown significantly year after year. The Chamber has so much to offer, including Early Bird Breakfasts, Chamber BASHes, Leads Groups, and various seminars. I take advantage of these wonderful networking events as often as possible because they have proven to help grow my business. I can honestly say that the Chamber has played a significant role in my success.”

Barbara Lee VanHorssen, Momentum Center
“Joining the Chamber and then joining a Leads group was one of the best investments we ever made. The Chamber networking events open up opportunities of connection and interaction with new people and organizations that care about the community. And Leads offers even more by providing a space where relationships deepen, trust grows, and true collaborations materialize. I recommend both because you simply can’t beat the ROI.”